# Preparing the plugin


This step is optional if you don't need SSR and Vue is available as a global variable. vue-meta will install itself in this case.

In order to use this plugin, you first need to pass it to Vue.use - if you're not rendering on the server-side, your entry file will suffice. If you are rendering on the server, then place it in a file that runs both on the server and on the client before your root instance is mounted. If you're using vue-router, then your main router.js file is a good place:


import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
import Meta from 'vue-meta'


export default new Router({

# Options

vue-meta allows a few custom options:

Vue.use(Meta, {
  keyName: 'metaInfo',
  attribute: 'data-vue-meta',
  ssrAttribute: 'data-vue-meta-server-rendered',
  tagIDKeyName: 'vmid',
  refreshOnceOnNavigation: true

See the API for a description of the available plugin options